Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 11

1 comment:

  1. I am reading a book right now where it is futuristic and the government is super controlled. People are not allowed to wear certain colors, and when you turn 17, you can choose to be "matched" to a mate that the Society decides is best for you. People don't get to choose who they marry, when they marry, how many kids they're going to have, or even when they are going to die.
    It's true that our freedom is controlled, but it's a lot freer than the majority of the world, and uncontrolled freedom can lead to chaos. Plus, not all of that really HAS to be followed.. it's us that decide to be fashionable, act normal, or go to work. It's the consequences we can't decide on.
    Wow... this quote really got me thinking! :) Must be a sign that it's a good one!
